Hi Guys,
Happy Wednesday! How has your day been today? I hope you all are doing well and your day has brought happiness your way.

This is Buck. We had to say goodbye to him yesterday. He was 10 1/2 years old and the best dog ever. He was the sweetest boy. He was such a good boy. We loved him so much, and he loved us back. He was always happy and loved being around people. A week and a 1/2 ago he started to become sick. Nothing too bad. His stomach was off but he was still eating and drinking and pretty much himself. A few days and it seemed like he was bouncing back. Then a few days later it seemed worst and we took him to the vet. The vet did an x-ray, blood work and there really was nothing that was standing out. His prostate was a little enlarged so they gave us antibiotics and said his symptoms seemed to point to Prostatitis. After a few days he was not improving and he stopped eating and drinking. We had to make the hard decision to put our beloved Buck to sleep. We do not know what he died from but the vet said it seems like it was Heart disease. He was running around chasing the ball just a week and 1/2 ago. We are just so heartbroken.

So between the kids being home for winter break and our sick dog. I have not been able to craft too much. I was able to make a card with the stamp set Let it ride. I actually used one of the templates from my newsletter. If you have not signed up for my newsletter yet and when you do you will receive 30 free card idea templates.

So this card is using the first template. You can print them out and hopefully, they will help provide you with some help in getting some cards made. I often am stuck for ideas and I will google card ideas. This template is easy to print and you can keep it handy in your work space. I also am doing a giveaway. If you sign up for my newsletter you will have the chance to win some of the grapefruit grove and lovely lipstick foil sheets that are no longer available. I will be giving away some 6 by 6 sheets and depending on how many sign up for my newsletter, I may give away a few. I will let you know if you have won with the email you signed up with.
If you want to sign up for my free newsletter please sign up here
Happy Wednesday!